Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
- The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal entitlement-based program that serves households experiencing homelessness or who are at risk. ESG offers funding assistance to agencies that are responding to the needs of homeless populations.
- ESG requires the use of the Coordinated Entry System. The Coordinated Entry System is created by all homeless service provides working together to help end homelessness in conjunction with Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM)
MSHDA is awarded an ESG allocation annually via an annual Award Notice from HUD which varies each year. Annually MSHDA notifies each Continuum of Care (CoC) of the award amount for their region based on a formula utilizing local population and other poverty statistics.
FY 2022-2023 MSHDA ESG funding opportunity
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program provides funding to: (1) engage homeless individuals and families living on the street; (2) improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families; (3) help operate these shelters; (4) provide essential services to shelter residents, (5) rapidly re- house homeless individuals and families, and (6) prevent families/individuals from becoming homeless.
The Michigan State Housing and Development Authority (MSHDA) ESG NOFA sets forth the process and requirements for applying for ESG funds. MSHDA is awarded an ESG allocation annually via an annual Award Notice from HUD which varies each year. Annually MSHDA notifies the Kalamazoo County Continuum of Care (CoC) of the award amount based on a formula utilizing local population and other poverty statistics.
The Notice of Funding Announcement (NOFA) for the 2022/23 ESG Program Competition was released June 10th 2022, by MSHDA. The competition closed Friday, August 17, 2022.
2022/23 Local Application and supporting documents were due 5pm Monday, July 25, 2022.
The Applicant packet includes the following: